About Johnny Regan, Host of The Laws of Visionary Leaders

About Johnny Regan:

Johnny Regan is the Founder of the Global Vision Movement and produces conferences in South Florida spreading his mission to feed and clothe every child in the world and make sure that they also have movies and popcorn. Johnny is also a visionary coach and a thought leader and has produced 4 global vision conferences showcasing visionaries throughout the world.


Johnnys Schedule:

Johnny's segment The Laws of Visionary Leaders will be on every Wednesday on FIRED UP with Blanca from January 6, 2021-February 24, 2021 at 6:00 pm.  


Johnny Regan's Contact Details:

Website: https://thevision.love/tools-to-live-your-vision

Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/themoviesandpopcornmovement