Be the Sponsor of the Day
Regular price
Put yourself in the spotlight! We invite you to be our Sponsor of the Day. The cost is only $100.00 and includes the following:
(1) You will be announced on Facebook and Instagram as the Sponsor of the 3 times. 2 times BEFORE EVENT and 1 time AFTER the event to thank you.
(2) You will be tagged in 3 LIVE FEEDS of the 3 webcasts broadcast on Tuesdays.
(3) Non-alcoholic beveridges and snacks will be purchased and provided on your behalf.
(4) You will be a guest on any webcast of your choice on this day. The Laws of Love, The Puzzle Pieces or The Laws of Life!
(5) You will have 5 minutes to speak and discuss your business.
Join the empowerment conversation and be a part of it.